

Cirugía de revisión bariátrica

The Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy also known as Gastric Sleeve It is a Weight Loss Surgery that involves dividing 80% of the stomach creating a restriction of total capacity and also minimizing the creation of the hunger hormone ghreline: this is a safe method to our patients, the stomach left will take the shape of a banana or a sleeve.


We recommend gastric sleeve for almost all our patients, helps with the hunger sensation and is less invasive that other procedures, by been restrictive and no mala abortive studies have shown that vitamin absorption and nutrients are the same comparing to a person without a bariatric procedure. Done by expert has this surgery is very low risk and can be converted to a bypass our duodenal switch on revision surgery.


This surgery takes about 45min to 1hr on the operation room, 30 min to 1hr on the recovery room. After 4hrs the patient is able to walk, recovery is very fast one of the advantages of laparoscopic surgery. All medication like antibiotics, ant nausea, and analgesics are administrate intravenous, a Jackson Pratt drain is left for patient security witch is taking out on the third day of hospitalization. The surgery requires 3 days of hospital. all our patients get a private room with Tv, Air-conditioned, Restroom, and a sofa where a companion can stay overnight.
