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Angeles Hospital, Consulting Room 207, Paseo de los Héroes #10999 Zona Río, Tijuana 22010 

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If you have a question, take a look at the following, they might help you

• They have a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2 without having had a sustainable result in losing weight with conventional methods.
• You are in the age range of 16 to 70 years
• You are willing to make a change of habits
• Does not have untreated or controlled psychiatric illnesses

If you've had bariatric surgery and are trying to get pregnant, your wait should be 1-2 years, as getting pregnant too soon after surgery could mean that a developing baby might not get enough nutrients.

Gastric sleeve surgery is safe for adolescents if they are at least 16 years of age. This procedure can prevent diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol from appearing early. In addition, it should be noted that young people have a high capacity for recovery and healing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore maMost bariatric surgeries have favorable long-term effects, however, revision bariatric surgery may be required over time to modify or correct a previous intervention in the following cases:
• Weight loss is 50% less than what was calculated.
• There is a loss of weight, but after a short time it is recovered.
• Intolerance to solid foods.
• The quality of life is affected.
• Complications occur.
For the prognosis of a surgery to be favorable, it is important to see a certified bariatric surgeon.gna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco

Before bariatric surgery, it is necessary to carry out some preventive actions to obtain the best results and eliminate the risk of complications:
• Eliminate tobacco use at least one month before the intervention.
• Eliminate the consumption of alcohol, carbonated or caffeinated drinks.
• Start doing moderate physical activity, this will improve your lung capacity.
• Bring your medical history to your consultation, for us it is a great tool.
• Punctually perform the preoperative examinations that are indicated to you.
Following the directions will give you a better experience.

Con una cirugía de manga gástrica se logra inducir una pérdida de 60-90% del exceso de peso el primer año. No obstante, ten presente que esa pérdida de peso puede variar de una persona a otra; el éxito de la cirugía responde a una serie de factores y solamente uno de ellos es el rol activo del paciente en la recuperación y el metabolismo.

Obesity is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes. One of the great benefits of bariatric surgery is the prevention of this condition, among other chronic diseases. Conventional treatment for type 2 diabetes has some limitations when it comes to complications, which show improvement after bariatric surgery.

A person is a candidate for bariatric surgery from a BMI of 35kg/m2, however, in the case of people with metabolic problems derived from Type 2 Diabetes, they are candidates for surgery with lower indices, from 26kg/m2, in this case it is proven improvement in diagnosis after the intervention.
